
My HDD was broken!

My external hard drive was broken last night. I was really depressed, because it had a lot of movies and music. I can't understand why it was broken. That hard drive is newest drive in my drives.Data won't come back....P.S. I have a questi…

Is my English improving?

It has been 3 weeks since I decided to study English hard, especially speaking. However I don't feel improving my speaking English very much. Futhermore I have watched TV very much, though I decided not to watch TV too much... 2008-06-27 -…

I also got 444!

But I'm not sure it is a good number or not.... orz.

Tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot!

It is really hot this weekend. I've slept for all the day time with turning on an air conditioner. But my study room does not have a air conditioner. So I'm working now using fan and resisting hot... あつい...If you know how to say "暑…

Lucky number

Today I got 333 PV number. It made me happy.


久々ビジネス本の立ち読み 勝間和代のビジネス頭を創る7つのフレームワーク力 ビジネス思考法の基本と実践 実行しながら修正がきく作業の場合には,早く仮説を打ち立てすぐさま実行に移すという考えや,思考力が汗を流して動くことということに納得. 確度が…